Wednesday, June 6, 2007


I took a bit of an unplanned blogging break the past couple of weeks, but I'm back with lots to show you. So just what have we been up to at Around the Block the past few weeks? Let's see...

Cindy has been busy piecing this Triple Treat quilt top from the new Atkinson Designs book, Happy Hour, in Cottage Bloom fabrics by Clothworks.

I've been doing quite a bit of machine quilting, most of which has run out the door before I can snap a picture. I managed to get this one before its owner came and whisked it away.

And some machine quilting on this one... with just a touch of machine embroidery (see top of photo). Isnt' the fabric adorable! That Debbie Mumm. She's just too clever.

This is also the first time of done binding completely by machine. I wouldn't recommend it on most quilts, but on baby quilts or donation quilts it works great! I just stitched the binding to the front of the quilt as usual and folded it over to the back, using pins to hold it in place. Then I stitched in the ditch on the top of the quilt next to my binding seam, catching the binding on the back in the stitch line. Not too bad for my first time, if I don't say so myself!

And these two magazines just arrived...

I just LOVE this issue of McCall's. There are at least 3 projects in there that I want to try. The cover quilt is very eye catching, there is a really awesome patriotic/1800s reproduction quilt by Judie Rothermal herself that is going on my "must complete someday" list, and an easy-peasy one that features the Peas and Carrots fabric by Moda.

Sadly, I'll probably never actually get all of these if you do, be a pal and bring them by the shop or send me a pic so I can live vicariously through your quilting, okay?

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