Saturday, April 21, 2007

Marathon of quilts

Well, here it is - the finished product.

I was pretty pleased with how it turned out. Note to self, though: Think long and hard before you to decide to do a quilt on a deadline that has blocks on the bias. Enough said. Moving on...

This one is a quick sample I whipped up out of the Willowberry Winter Lights collection. Very feminine. I don't usually voluntarily make blocks with flying geese in them, but with the help of the Eleanor Burns/Quilt in a Day flying geese ruler, I survived. I'm very pleased with the results. I love the way the checked print in the flying geese emphasizes the stars. The borders are a little overwhelming, but on a larger quilt they would look fantastic.

Are you ever at home of an evening and just get the urge to make a quilt? Not piece, not cut, not mark, just finish something for heaven's sake? Well, that's sort of what this was about.

I did this last night. I started at about 8:00 p.m. and finished about midnight, stopping only for a What Not to Wear/cookie break. And when I say I started at 8:00, I mean I started choosing fabrics. This is where I got the pattern. I just grabbed fabrics from my stash. It's funny how each one of them has a story - how I can remember when, where, and why they were purchased. At the time, I never dreamed they would all end up in the same project. It's a bit... um.... colorful, but I love it and will certainly use this pattern in the future.

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