Thursday, April 5, 2007

Cutting a rug

Now is the time for spring cleaning, and what better way to spruce up your home than with a new rug?

This is a toothbrush rug (a la Aunt Philly). This rug was my first attempt, so naturally there are some things I would do differently, but all in all I think it turned out pretty well. The rug has been in front of the register at the shop, so it's become a little misshapen from being stepped on and squished against the legs of the counter (not that it was a perfect oval to begin with). The technique is really pretty simple once you get the hang of it.

Here's another one I have in progress:

As you can see, totally different fabrics give it a different look. As far as shape goes, its coming out much more "oval" shaped than my first one. Practice makes perfect, as they say. The thing I love about these rugs is that there is NO SEWING involved. I saw Aunt Philly demonstrating these rugs at Quilt Market in Houston in October, and I knew they were something I wanted to try. Don't you just love learning new things? Even if it's something I know I never want to do again, I just get a good feeling from having the knowledge. Who knows how or if it might benefit you in the future? That's probably why I'm such an internet junkie... endless amounts of knowledge just waiting to be discovered.

Speaking of being an internet junkie, it's time for me to get away from my computer and go accomplish something in the real world. Which means I'm going to go piece. Oh, the hardships of working in a quilt shop... =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never commented on a blog before so bear with me! I found your site by following links while looking for a pattern for the X block and ended up here. I love your rugs! I took up toothbrush weaving probably 10-15 years ago and love makeing them. The first few were a bit "wonky" when I wasn't consistent on my tension. I just finishe a couple of the baskets too. I'm still looking for the X block pattern!