Thursday, May 10, 2007

Heidi the dog

This is my dog, Heidi.

As you can see, she's weird, but we love her. We rescued her (I prefer "adopted") from our local animal shelter last February. The lady at the shelter told us she thought Heidi was some kind of lab mix. Probably shar pei (you know, the wrinkly dogs). But for the most part she just looks like a deranged lab runt.

Heidi has proven to be a good dog...never potties in the house, doesn't chew on furniture, etc. So, in order to reward her good behavior, I decided to make her this.

It's a pillowcase for the pillow that serves as a cushion in the bottom of her crate. (Get the pattern here). Her crate is next to our bed, and she spends about 12 hours a day napping in her crate whether my husband and I are sleeping or not. Until today, we had just thrown an old pillow in the crate with no pillowcase or cover on it. Naturally, the pillow is quite stained and disgusting looking in spite of my best efforts to bleach the you-know-what out of it. So for my sanity and just because it's cute, she now has a pillowcase for her pillow. Spoiled girl.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a sweetie Heidi looks! And you're a sweetie for making the pillowcase and providing the link. I was just thinking that I'd make some pillowcases from yummy fabric in my stash rather than leaving it hidden in boxes!
My own pup, Miss Constance J Woodle (a toy poodle) will probably end up with a covered pillow too - she has her own afghan rug for winter, but a pillow would be comfy. Mmmm.