Thursday, March 22, 2007

In the bag

Remember when I got this fabric in and was dreaming of all its possibilities? Well, here are just a couple of them.

I can't take credit - Cindy has been busy sewing up all kinds of things. She'll be teaching a class on the hobo bag (the pink one) in April, so keep an eye out for you newsletter or check our class schedule on our website.

Here are a couple of other things Cindy has whipped up in the last week or so.

These are for her granddaughter, so if you know her keep your lips zipped for a little while longer. A little machine applique here, some embellishments there, and she turned two plain t-shirts into what I'm guessing will become two of her granddaughter's favorite outfits. The pattern for these is called fun in the sun, by Caught Up In Stitches. This one will be available in the shop as well.

That's all for today. We're busy piecing and quilting away, so we'll have more to show you soon!

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